Saturday, March 26, 2011

I started a blog....!

Hi all! Just watched an episode of The Office and according to temp Ryan, blogging is out!'s my first post!  I decided to start this blog because lately some pretty memorable things have happened in my life and I think it's important to memorialize some things.  
I follow a lot of blogs...A LOT.  Mostly baking and cooking blogs.  Have you ever checked any out?  If not, I suggest you do so.  It's great what people are doing right in their own kitchens.  They inspire me all the time.  In my blog, I want to share definitely some baking and cooking, but also just things that I love.  Hence, yums and loves.    I hope you enjoy reading my posts and maybe get a little inspired also...or at least a few laughs!
Talk soon!


  1. I'm loving the fact that you have a blog....have been thinking I should start following more and maybe start one. I'm inspired! I just made banana bread also, this past Tuesday. My recipe also calls for sour cream, it's from the Yakima Museum cookbook. Crazy, have been carrying around the recipe for that long. Can't wait for more posts! Xoxo!!

  2. I'm inspired! I'm also craving banana bread and more of your writing. If only books were this entertaining...
