Tuesday, November 29, 2011

November Foodie Pen Pals

This is my second month participating in Foodie Pen Pals.  This month, I sent my package to Lindsay, who is a reader.  Since she doesn't have a blog she offered to do a guest write-up for me! Fun!  I'll share her post with you and then share the goodies that I received this month!

Hello! My name is Lindsay and I am NOT a blogger! Whew, glad I got that off my chest! I am only a reader, but still love to participate in the blogging community. When I found out about the Foodie Pen Pals, I was psyched! One major reason why I love this, is that it introduces me to new blogs. Alex’s blog was new to me and it surely didn’t disappoint! Her recipes always sound amazing and her pictures leave me drooling! I couldn’t wait to receive my package from her as I was sure she would include some new to me goodies! And she did just that! You will have to excuse my grainy, poorly placed and lit pictures because I am most definitely not a photographer… though photography does run in my family . Onto the good stuff:
Her package began with an owl towel and fall card. Both were so appropriate with it being November and Thanksgiving and Fall! I love love love the owl towel! I am so not a decorative person and basically never put out festive items during any holidays. So the owl towel was definitely a hit because to me it felt like a festive touch! You may not think owls are festive, and maybe it was just the colors… my house was happy!
Part of Alex’s card read, “I know you said you’re a health nut, so how about a cupcake scented candle? Guilt free!” If I could eat it, I would! The first time I lit it, my husband came home and asked what I was cooking. I think he would have eaten it if it weren’t hot, burning wax. Yes, we’re weird. Yes, it smelled that good! The second thing in the picture are Bourbon Vanilla Beans! I still haven’t quite figured out what I’m supposed to do with them, but they smell really good, too! So until I google what I can do with them, I will continue to stick my nose in the bag and take big whiffs and be fulfilled!
This biscotti was made by Alex’s friend Anna and labeled, “Clean Your Pantry Biscotti.” I knew it would be delicious just by the name of Anna’s blog: Snacking In The Kitchen. Amazing biscotti, amazing blog!
O.M.G. These two pieces of chocolate were seriously thebombdotcom! This little gold bite had caramel and almonds and dark chocolate! While this gold gem was just a little nugget, I decided to be kind and share with my husband. We managed to make it last for 4 bites! I had to force him to take small bites, and while I almost got my finger bit off more than once, we thoroughly enjoyed the gold bite!
Lindt -Excellence- A Touch of Sea Salt DARK: At first, I wasn't so sure about this stuff. Chocolate and salt just didn't seem to match. I had actually seen this in stores and never had any intention of ever purchasing or trying it. But... I always keep an open mind, so
when Alex sent me a bar it was actually the first thing I dug in to! I guess I was just so curious! And hey... I liked it! It was an oddly wonderful combination! The flavors work extremely well together (hence, why the Lindt company probably does so well... they figured this out much faster than me!). It's not salty right off the bat. It's downright delicious chocolate and then after a few seconds of savoring the chocolate, you get a very subtle taste of the salt... just a hint, kind of like a tease! I went back for more! I had given the Husband a square to try and mid-chew I asked him how he liked it. He replied, "Tastes like chocolate." Not a moment later, did his lips start to curl into a smile. The saltiness finally hit! Success!

Well Alex, you did well! Thank you so much for sharing some of your Yums and Loves with me! In fact, you can send me a package anytime! And for you other readers, I would strongly recommend you participate in December’s Foodie Pen Pals! Best.decision.ever! 

Thanks for writing this Lindsay! I had fun putting together your care package!
Now for the goodies I received!!
I received my package from Nicole of Nicole on a Mission. She sent me some great local treats that are all made in Austin! I love stuff like that!  I already gobbled up the bulk nuts and fruits, that is one of my favorite mid-day work snacks!
Look at this yummy rub and Barbecue sauce from The Salt Lick.  I can't wait to try this out. Darling Husband loves to BBQ so maybe he will make me something yummy!!
This has to be my favorite part of the goodie box!  Chocolate, pecans, and caramel! Nicole! How did you know??  I'm saving these for a special occasion, like a Wednesday!  I know I'll love them!
I was so happy to receive all these local treats!  I love seeing what other people enjoy and eat in their hometowns!  Thanks Nicole for sending me some very unique, and tasty, treats!

I completely encourage you all to sign up for Foodie Pen Pals.  It's a great way to get introduced to new people and products.  I have so much fun putting together a package and then anticipating what I will be receiving.  Check it out! I"m looking forward to next month's match-ups!
Thanks again to Lindsay for her awesome writing and Nicole for her generous treats!
