Saturday, February 25, 2012

A Walk in the Park

Greenlake Park is one of my favorite places in Seattle.  Luckily, Darling Husband and I live just one short mile away.  I took these photos on a  nice late fall walk.  Now that the days are getting longer, I am so anxious to get some more weekly walks in.  The interior loop is 2.8 miles, but you'll barely notice the distance.  The scenery is so nice.  I love admiring the adorable dogs and babies out for a fun stroll.
While training for the Rock 'n' Roll 1/2 Marathon last year, I logged many, many miles at Greenlake.  I"m pretty sure I could lace up my shoes, close my eyes, and run it just like that.  I know every step of that running path.  I"m not running this year because of my pregnancy, but I still love the benefit of a great walk. The fresh air is such a treat.
Greenlake is also a true testament to the Seattleite mentality.  Seattle has pretty mild weather. Because of this weather, people in Seattle tend to think a 60 degree sunny day is an excuse to break out shorts, tank tops, and convertibles.  Go to Greenlake on one of these days, and I guarantee it will be packed.
Our baby is due this spring, and I'm so looking forward to getting some walks in with her. I hope she'll enjoy it as much as I do. I'm sad to see so many parks losing their funding.  Yes, I love my computer, TV, IPhone....etc, but a day at the park is incomparable.   Maybe these crazy people in Seattle have it right.  Next time you feel a little sun on your face, break out the flip flops and head to the park.  I'll be looking for you!
