Half a year with this little one! As you can see, she has become extremely grabby, so it's a little tough to read her 6 month shirt. I'm afraid these photo shoots are going to start getting a little more challenging. We've had a lot of fun over this past month though!
Major event:
First airplane trip to Cabo! She was actually quite good on the plane. We had some hot weather so she wasn't that happy to spend the days at the pool, but we enjoyed evening pool time and walks on the beach. For our first major family trip, it was a great time!
Halloween came and we both dressed as Flashdancers! This was one of my favorite movies as a kid.
And she also dressed as a ladybug! It's only her first Halloween once!
We've continued to have fun trying solid foods. She had her first avocado in Cabo and really enjoyed it. I've started making some food, but we've also tried lots of different jarred foods to get some different experiences. The only real negative so far has been squash! She sometimes has negative reactions with her first bites, but squash was horrible. We'll try it again soon!
Peyton is very interested in the world around her, so I started having her face forward in her strollers. She was getting pretty tired of lying flat in her car seat being pushed around. I think she really enjoys seeing what is going on. Can you imagine the world from the perspective of a baby? I so often wonder what she is thinking about! I feel like she is starting to get frustrated. I think she would love to be able to communicate. Sometimes she looks at me and I feel like she would just love to blurt something out! I do some basic baby sign language with her, so maybe someday she will start utilizing those signs. I think her lack of mobility also contributes to frustration, but mommy isn't quite ready for her to be on the move yet!
I can't believe it's been 6 months. In no time we'll be celebrating her first birthday! Don't grow up too fast baby! I love her sense of fun and true baby joy. Thanks for making all of my days that much better.
She is the cutest baby! She has one of those smiles that make everyone smile. Love it. Sounds like she is having so much fun traveling and trying new foods. Good idea with her costume. So adorable!